Looking for some easy kitchen organization ideas? I’ve got you covered!
Hey there! I am super excited to share my new fruit and vegetable organizer with yall today. I’m also conflicted about sharing it. Here’s why – I’m getting old if I am excited about kitchen organizer. And I realized that before I even got the veggie cart. I realized that I was getting old when I vacuumed the carpet and was giddy over the vacuum lines. (Ya know, the lines the vacuum leaves after you pull it away? Those.)
I am realllly enjoying my new found love for organization. And I’m sure it has nothing to do with age; that was just my first thought when I got excited.
When we moved I was able to purge a lot of junk. Our church was having a rummage sale around the same time so we loaded up the usable stuff and donated it them. It was a win-win. We were able to start fresh when we moved into the new house and they received good item to sell. Don’t get me wrong, we still had a ton of junk when we moved though.
(Hey there! Need help getting organized? Sign up for the 15 day challenge!)
One of the things that I promised myself to do was to clean the kitchen every night before heading to bed. Big dreams, right? I was pretty good at doing the dishes and wiping down the counters but I had a pile problem. I would just move piles of stuff from one side of the counter to the other when I needed to clean.
One of my piles was our fruit and vegetable stash. Potatoes, onions, oranges, apples. They all got shifted from counter to counter. I finally had enough and told Ryon I wanted a veggie cart for Christmas.
I gave him freedom to get whatever he thought would be good for the kitchen. I was pleasantly surprised when I opened this metal utility cart. I was excited to open it and get it set up. It ended up fitting perfectly underneath our counter in a little nook we have. I made sure to load it up with produce as soon as it was nestled in it’s little spot.
Potatoes on bottom, onions, and garlic in the middle (and a few extras) and citrus on top. I just love it! And see how it fits perfectly under the counter? Squeee! It makes my organizational heart happy. (Which is a new part of my heart that I didn’t know existed until recently.)
It also makes it easier to meal plan. I am able to see what produce we have available and what I need to add to our grocery list. (You can grab a free grocery list AND menu planner HERE.)
Needless to say, I am in love. Ryon bought this one from Wal-Mart if you love it too! If you are looking for something else to help organize your fruits and veggies check out the carts below. (Some of these are affiliate links.)
Looking to get even more organized this year? I have a 15 day organization challenge for you! Sign up below to get started!
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